Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why Go Green?

Most people are already aware of the answer to: Why Go Green? Global warming, increased lung ailments due to impurities in the air, diseased fish that are then consumed by people…and those are just a few of the many things going on. There are only so many natural resources, and with the population expected to grow to 9 Billion by 2050, that means there is going to be a lot less to go around. Human consumption of natural resources is too high now and as the population grows, they will become harder to obtain.

Why Go Green
Globally, people are learning to save in other ways, such as for weddings or for college educations, but saving resources in order that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same quality of life isn’t something everyone thinks to do. Another problem is that people discard improperly the very things that endanger the natural resources. Throwing away batteries, for instance that will end up in the land fill and eventually pollute the ground and the ground water sources.

All it takes is a different way of thinking. It may take a while but it becomes second nature. Why go green? Because it is the right thing to do. Going green is the right thing to do for yourself, your family, loved ones and everyone on the planet earth. Most people start off small and work their way up. If that is what works, it’s perfect. There are many ways to save and preserve natural resources for future generations.

Saving Water

Saving water is very easy to do, it is just a hard habit to get into. Turning the water off while you are brushing your teeth is one way to save water. Sparingly watering gardens or lawns is another way. Normally, the lawn doesn’t need the garden hose running all day. And again, save ground water by not carelessly discarding batteries and other dangerous chemicals into land fills.

Saving Our Air

It is a given that industrial pollution does more that their fair share of air polluting but there are things individuals can do to keep pollution down. Car-pools have been around for a long time, but many still drive solo. If you work in a public place, it could be very easy to find someone to car-pool with. Write letters to your congressmen about that industrial pollution. Speak up and let your thoughts be known.

Another good answer for Why go Green? is that if we don’t, we may all be needing oxygen masks just to go outside.